安装使用说明本产品有2寸与3寸两种尺寸(如图所示),阀体长度可根据客户地下油罐的实际情况定做。该防溢阀伸入地下油罐,当油体装卸时,油气可通过该装置经地面油气回收装置加以回收,当液面上升满过浮球所在 位置时,浮球上升,由液体产生的压力可有效关闭球阀以免池体过多而外泄。—般浮球位于液面以下使所防溢体积占总体积 10%左右。用户也可根据需要自己确定该比例。
Ball Float Vent Valves protrude into
unde「ground sto「age tanks f「om the Stage I vapor return riser pipe. As the tank becomes full during a product drop, the ball seats -restricting the flow of vapors back to the transport truck or th「ough the tank vent. As the vapors are compressed in the tank, product flow into the tank is severely rest「icted.
ball floats a「e mounted in extracto「 fittings to maintain access through grade-level manholes.
上一条: 真空压力阀
下一条: 阻火呼吸阀(二合一)